Archive | May, 2013

Reasons Why Alcohol is Bad

9 May

Some are obvious reasons, but some, not so much.

  • It makes you gain weight
  • It makes you sound unintelligent
  • Overtime, it actually makes you unintelligent
  • It prohibits the REM stage of sleep, making dreams shorter, less vivid and more difficult to remember
  • A DUI can cost $10,000, or at least that’s what the billboards here in VA say
  • You might die while drunk driving, but more likely, you’ll kill other people and have to live with that
  • It can cause spider veins to break out on your face and affect your complexion negatively in other manners as well
  • It affects memory long term
  • It can cause liver failure over long periods of time
  • Withdrawals from alcohol addiction can actually be deadly

I’m one of those people who is dependent upon alcohol to socialize and especially to dance most of the time. This isn’t something that I’m proud of, and it is something that I am working on. Don’t let the laws fool you, alcohol is the worst drug there is.