Archive | March, 2013

A Diamante, a Haiku, and a Tanka

13 Mar

I actually wrote these in high school (2004/5) but I’m going to make the ‘publishing’ date more recent due the the fact that so many of my poems (which I wrote years ago) are so angsty. I need to break it up a bit.



Wet salty

Running dripping


Sorrow anger

Bright gleeful

Stopping retracting Tickling

Full soft




The heavens are Black

From somewhere falls a rainbow

No words are spoken.



Dark rain clouds gather

Above the barren landscape

Drops plummet to the earth

Drenching parched fescue

That is grateful for the gift.

A post I’ve been debating on whether or not to make

12 Mar

Because some may call me crazy.

Well, a few years ago I was visited by what I perceived to be aliens. Now, I am sure that they were, furthermore, I am sure that they were beings from a higher dimension, whether or not they were from another universe is unknown. I’ve learned since this experience that it was not unique and that science seems to explain it.

I was in my room somewhat meditating, but more so reflecting on the day, I definitely had my mind open and therefore it was permeable by other dimensions. I heard a voice in my head. Actually it was two voices. Naturally, I struggled to give these voices faces. So I assumed that one was male and one was female, of course, they probably weren’t even speaking English, but my primitive human mind did it’s best to make it all make sense.

They told me that there is a portal in one’s brain that connects one to other dimensions and universes, to what we humans know as the afterlife, and can even facilitate time travel. At the time I hadn’t studied much on these subjects, so how all of these things were connected made absolutely no sense to me. I asked them why they were telling me this and they informed me that I was somewhat capable of understanding it, but that I would never fully comprehend it, not in this life, I would continue to learn throughout life and that I also needed to spread the word to others like myself.

Now that I have studied and mediated more, I’ve filled in some of the blanks. I’m sure that I missed a lot of what they were telling me simply because I was in such shock and awe that I was even having the experience. I believe that those who make a conscious attempt to meditate and/or research how to access this portal will gain entry to the 4th dimension- the afterlife and we will continue to learn and move to different dimensions into different vessels until we reach the 10th dimension. In the 10th dimension, I believe that we will either start the cycle over again or remain there, but in the 10th dimension, the possibilities are endless, so it could really be either one. Now of course, technically, these dimensions exist all at once, but we are not consciously experiencing them.

Once again, I’m still learning, so I may have a few things wrong, and no one can really say for sure, it’s all just speculation, but I feel like I have a pretty good idea. As always, please contribute your comments, questions and concerns.

Pet adoption VS Human Adoption

11 Mar

Allow me to preface this by saying that I myself am adopted, so perhaps I’m a little biased here, but I find it interesting that I’m always hearing people adamantly protesting buying dogs/cats from breeders and saying that people should adopt them from the animal shelter or SPCA, but I don’t feel as though there is the same stigma attached to having a human child. Why not?

I personally feel as though it’s pretty selfish to bring more humans into this world when there are already plenty of them in foster homes. It’s also unwise, in my opinion, to bring a child into the world this day in age with the rise in population and the decline in resources, if you ask me that’s just a recipe for disaster and your child is probably going to suffer from this.

I’m not saying that adoption is the best option. It’s not. Humans are complex creatures. I can guarantee that raising a child conceived in love and brought into  a loving family is going to be much easier to raise than a kid that you adopt who probably experienced a lot of stress while in the womb, and possibly even more based on how long they were in a foster home. According to a therapist I know, humans are capable of detecting that the world is either safe or unsafe up to 3 months before they’re born and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) can begin if they determine it to be unsafe. That being said, think about it from this perspective, even if they do end up having issues (which they probably will) those issues will go untreated in a foster home and probably worsen, but in your home, with the proper love and care, even the most damaged souls can flourish. For example, look at Edgar Allen Poe, he was adopted (though later on in life) he was also a depressed alcoholic, but this was before there was much research or treatment on those kinds of things, and look, he still became a great poet.

As always, feel free to comment; discuss. I’d like to know people’s thoughts on this. Do you plan on adopting a child? Why do you think society views adopting pets and people so differently? Furthermore, would you adopt from your own country, or another and why? Do you think the child’s race matters? If you chose to have children instead of adopt, tell me why, is there something I am not taking into consideration?