Archive | October, 2006

Abstract Communication

12 Oct

My ears receive your voice-
Sound waves are transferred to my mind,
They spark an electric impulse which should be converted into comprehensive thought,
But it remains only a picture,
Locked in my mind, for no one else to see
Behind a wall of isolation
Causing a lack of communication
Which overcomes the forces of attraction.
The bond which once existed is broken by the chaotic energy
Created by the frantic behavior of every molecule in my brain.
The only words my mouth can muster are confused fragments.
As i struggle to convey emotion
The frustration increases,
Both yours and mine.
If only i could destroy this barrier-
take a scalpel and some stitches, correct the neuron pathway.
Perhaps there’s a way to transfer all of my brain activity onto a reel of film,
materialize the inner working of my mind and play them out on a screen.
Someone pour some asphalt on this rocky terrain,
Make the drops in this roller coaster a little less steep.
Don’t blame yourself,
It only makes me feel less human.
Stop screaming,
This wall isn’t soundproof
And if it were physical, i’d smash my fist right through it
Despite the chance of shattered bones.