Archive | July, 2011

Punk Rock show at Empire 7/7/11

8 Jul

On the 7th of July in 2011, I was sitting on my computer creating my new WordPress blog when I got a call from a friend inviting me to a Punk Rock show. I realized the opportunity that had been handed to me and decided to take it. It had been a while since I had written anything and being the mystic that I am, I saw this as a sign.

That night started out like any other Thirsty Thursday at Empire- at 10pm there were only about 15 people in the place so I decided to play some Big Buck Safari. I remembered the last time I was here and the bartender was taunting a regular playing the game with, “Are you supposed to shoot the cows? Oops… Don’t shoot the cows!” That’s what I love about this place. I could get great, friendly service at many bars, but that hint of playful sarcasm is hard to come by. By the time I finished my game I think the head count had just about doubled. The line-up was as follows: I Saw Everything, This Time It’s War and last but not in the least, least, Landmines.

I Saw Everything put on a truly epic performance. The lead singer was full of energy and the vibe that I got from the band was that they really love to play music and have a good time. They did a fantastic Face to Face cover complete with audience participation. Almost everyone at Empire was out of their seats and it was packed from the front door all the way to the end of the bar.

The crowd and the venue was not really cut out for This Time it’s War. There were even some words exchanged between people in the crowd and members of the band. The lead singer, Scott Quigley, began talking about how they had just gotten back from tour and were working on releasing another album soon. At one point some guy at the bar interrupted.
Guy at the bar: “Hey, stop talking!”
Scott Q: “Hey stop drinking!”
Guy at the bar: “Bring it on you straight edge weirdo!”
I myself was rather impressed with This Time it’s War’s act, I had heard of them before, but had never actually seen them play. This was their first time playing at Empire and I doubt they’ll return, it’s just not the right venue for a metalcore show. Towards the end of their set one guy did actually try to start moshing. He ended up hitting my table and in turn, I had PBR spilled all over me. You know what they say though, It’s not a party in Richmond until you’re covered in the People’s Beer. You’re probably reading this and thinking to yourself, “Elise, no one says that.” Perhaps not, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

I felt privileged to get to see Landmines play. They brought the kind of sound that resonates up through your seat all the way to your…bones. I also have to quote the lead singer, Paul Picillo, here, “You can leave now, but you’re gonna miss the indecent exposure!” Aside from the witty remarks they also brought about a sense of true Punk nostalgia. If Punk is dead, Landmines resurrected it on July 7th, 2011.

I can honestly say that I was surprised by the turnout and the energy flowing throughout Empire. Having lived in Richmond now for about five years though, I know that weekdays mean nothing to Richmonders. It’s not that we’re the city that never sleeps, it’s just that we don’t let obligations get in the way of having an awesome time. The only negative thing that I can say about the entire show is that a more spacious venue would have been advantageous, but then again, you can’t beat Empire’s atmosphere and a five dollar cover charge.